The Wild Seads Academy

Live Student Classes & Bite Sized Online Courses With Wild Seads Coaching and Sarah Seads Are Coming Here Very, Very Soon.

The Wild Seads Academy is integrating concepts from science and diverse philosophical traditions, offering a multifaceted perspective on mental mastery and human performance. Meditation, Mindfulness and Nosis, using the mind to control, harness and direct the mind so that you can be the driver of your own rig and the captain of your own ship.

Mindfulness and meditation are recognized for their ability to reshape thought processes, enhancing focus and emotional regulation. This aligns with the practice of Human Kinesiology, where mind-body integration plays a crucial role in physical training, mental health and overall well-being.

Dive into the harmonious integration of mental, physical, and spiritual health, blending cutting-edge scientific insights with ancient Eastern wisdom to guide you towards a holistic and transformative journey of self-mastery, human performance, health, fitness and well-being!

Together, we will fly into the realms of Wild Human Potential using effective day to day techniques, practices and tools that create a sense of inner peace, coherent states of health and well-being, empowered change, personal growth and positive self expansion to those who take time to hone these skills.

Interested in finding out more? Click the link below to hear in advance about all of WS Academy’s upcoming bite sized courses and live group class experience offerings!!